The Owl & Goose smoothie is a raw and unpasteurized blend of organic leafy greens. Small amounts of pear and apple are added to reduce the natural bitterness of greens while ginger and lemon are added for a healthy and delicious flavour. As a blended beverage, the Owl & Goose smoothie is full of fibre, vitamins and minerals. It helps boost and sustain energy and balance sugar levels. A 250ml (small) bottle contains only 45 calories.
As the Owl & Goose smoothie is raw and unpasteurized, it has a 4 day shelf life. We deliver smoothies frequently and in small quantities so you are always buying absolute freshness.

Introducing the next generation Owl & Goose Green Smoothie. We have taken our original recipe and tweaked it just slightly. No new ingredients and no preservatives. We use a state-of-the-art process called High Pressure Process. No heat! Plastic bottles are submerged in water and pressure is applied. A lot of pressure! The result eliminates all bacteria and makes for a 30+ day shelf-life. Same ingredients, same taste, same nutrition. Try one today!

The Owl & Goose Green Smoothie
Nutritional Content (% Daily Value)
Fibre is an essential part of a balanced diet and helps to keep the body healthy and regular. Fibre is lost when juices are cold pressed. Owl & Goose smoothies are blended and therefore the fibre is maintained. It is a bulking agent in the digestive tract that maintains the sensation of fullness. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide excellent roughage that helps to eliminate toxins and fats.